Dysport vs. Botox

You say Botox, we say Dysport (“DIsS-PORT”). Both have their benefits. Both are toxins injected into the skin to temporarily relax your muscles, helping smooth the appearance of wrinkles and prevent further lines from forming. Toxins can also enhance and contour, letting you put your best face forward. 

Dysport vs. Botox: Similarities

Let’s start with the similarities between Botox and Dysport. Like we said, both are injectable neurotoxins used to slow down muscle movement in order to smooth lines, soften aging, brighten skin, shrink the look of pores, lift the brow—and the list goes on. Both have peak results at two weeks, similar longevity, with effects lasting about 3 to 4 months, and same areas that we can inject. Trust us when we say we can get AMAZING results with both products. 

Dysport vs. Botox: Differences

Now, when it’s Botox vs. Dysport, what’s the diff? First, there’s the basic consistency of each toxin and the way it behaves under the skin. Think of Botox as having a firm, tennis ball tightness. Dysport, on the other hand, is more like a squishy stress ball—there’s more give. When it comes to you as a client, each product will give a different spread and softness, so according to which goal you have, we can help direct you to know which one is best for you.

Secondly, Dysport is known for its quicker onset–kicking in sooner than Botox, which can be a game changer for some of us who want to see our results ASAP. Lastly, Dysport has a higher concentration of toxin per molecule and has studies behind it proving its longevity in comparison to Botox. At the end of the day, these are medications that can perform differently on each and every person, so we are always up to seeing which one you like better!

Botox: Who’s it Best For? 

Because Botox is known for its tightness, it’s great for a client who’s less concerned about losing movement and more into the ‘freeze me up’ kind of result. Sometimes this can benefit older clients who have deep lines or loose skin. This toxin is best for concentrated results that you really want to stay put. You’ll begin to notice the results of your Botox injection after 5 to 7 days. And as we said, results will last up to 4 months.

Dysport: What’s the Deal? 

With its more-flexible feel, Dysport is perfect for a younger client who is concerned with movement, like raising eyebrows, showing emotion, and so on. You may have heard that Dysport is diluted, but that’s not true! It’s just a different consistency, and you need more of it to reach your goals. But because this toxin is softer and more malleable, it gives a more natural look. You’ll also start to see results in 3 to 4 days, with benefits lasting up to 4 months.

Dysport to Botox: 3 to 1 Ratio

Here’s the gist: It takes 3 units of Dysport to do the work of 1 unit of Botox. Because of this, you’ll see other injection studios with complicated pricing models. At Sweet Tox, we’ve already done the math behind the scenes and leveled the playing field. In essence, we treat Dysport and Botox as equals—so when we say you’re getting “1 unit” of Dysport, you’re really getting 3. The point is, we don’t want you worrying about the math. We want you focusing on your goals! Our simplified, blended pricing model makes it easy for everyone.

The Bottom Line

If stranded on a desert island, we’d pack Dysport. You just can’t beat the natural look and the way this product behaves beneath the skin. But both garner gorgeous results—it’s all about discussing your goals with your injector and doing what’s right for you! 


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