Getting Injections on your Period

Newsflash: Hormones are a bitch. 

When it comes to your period, it’s not all hormonal mood swings, bloating, and headaches (super fun times!). Hormones are also to blame when your pain receptors go into overdrive (yayyy). That’s why getting waxed can hurt more when you’re on your period—and the same goes for injections. 

Yes, the rumors are true. Injections can hurt more if you get them during your cycle. So if you’re able to plan around your period, go for it! Why not? We love less pain for you! That said, just because you get your period, that doesn’t mean you can’t get injected or should reschedule. You’re going to be totally fine.

When you’re riding the crimson wave, we’re here to help put you at ease and make you as comfy as can be. If you’re worried about pain, let’s get you numbed up a little longer! All you have to do… 

Step 1: Arrive 15–20 minutes early for your appointment. 

Step 2: Let us know right away when you walk in—”I’m early! I’d like to start numbing right away.” 

We have oodles of options to keep your injections as pain-free as possible! 

Topical Numbing Cream

This medical-grade cream is no joke. We actually improved upon our cream last year, as we’re always on the hunt for the best, most-soothing experience for you. Trust us when we say—this numbing cream works like gangbusters and will have you feelin’ fly in no-time!

Giggly Gas

Getting the giggles? We love to see it. Our Giggly Gas is a 50/50 combo of oxygen and nitrous oxide and will help you feel super relaxed. Plus, it goes in and out of your system in just three (!) minutes, so you can safely drive home!

Dental Block

Admittedly, this one’s a last resort. It can distort the lips during the process, which means you may need more touch-ups down the line. So the Dental Block is not our #1—but truly, we’ll do whatever we can safely do that helps ease your nerves and keep you pain-free! 

Bottom line: With so many ways to numb, giggle, and beat the pain (take that, lady hormones!) there’s no reason NOT to get injections on your period. Schedule around your cycle if you can, but if you can’t, don’t sweat it. We’ve got you.


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